MTN Data4ME for the best data plans: Get 40GB for ₦5000, and more

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For a long time, MTN data plans were some of the most expensive in the country, despite the network’s position as the largest mobile network in Nigeria. Then the picture changed with the introduction of the Data4ME bundles. And now, the new MTN Data4ME bundles have gotten even better. 

They were already the most generous data plans available for most of last year. So, you can imagine how much more exciting they are now that the operator has jazzed things up some more.

The new MTN Data4ME plans of 2021

The new MTN Data4ME plans and tariffs

Here are some of the changes that MTN Nigeria has made to their Data4ME packages. Note that all prices and tariffs have stayed the same, as far as I have seen. MTN has merely added more data to the packages.

  • You now get 40GB for ₦5,000 for a period of 30 days. The data volume used to be 30GB, so you get an extra 10GB data for the same price. See how to subscribe HERE.
  • Get 24GB for ₦3,500 instead of 20GB. MTN has added 4GB data to the package for your use. Validity is 30 days. Here’s how to subscribe.
  • Get 700MB for ₦300. You get the standard 350MB data volume, plus a 100% data bonus of 350MB to bring the total to 700MB. This has a validity of 7 days.

In addition to the extra data specified above, the new MTN Data4ME bundles include YouTube Night Bonus data for you to enjoy YouTube content free of charge at night. Nightcrawlers will be excited about this.

The free YouTube access is active from 11pm to 6am. The rest of us who sleep at night and work during the day…well. Who knows?

Meanwhile, I recall that there is also a 9GB for ₦2,000 Data4ME bundle, as well as another that gave you 4GB for ₦1,200. I am not sure at this time if these packages have enjoyed a boost as well, but do check. I will appreciate your feedback, so I can update this page.

I subscribe and get the 40GB data for ₦5,000 every month under the Data4me offers now as my default mobile data plan. As far as I can tell, nothing from the other 3 mobile networks comes close in terms of value for money.

MTN Data4ME Eligibility

It looks like eligibility for the MTN Data4ME offers is based on your monthly spend on the MTN network. I can’t be 100% sure of that. But my experience suggests so, especially as some users have reported being unable to access the offers.

Do give it a try and see how it goes for you. To see what other data offers the Y’hello network has available for you, go through all available MTN data plans.

2024 Update

MTN Nigeria appears to have taken the Data4Me plans off the table. They are no longer available in the app and I have not found them listed or offered anywhere else. Seeing as how things have become so hard in the country, I cannot even blame them for doing this. They have to find ways of surviving the current madness.

Personally, I have now adopted the XtraSpecial data offers as my preferred or favourite plans. If you are interested, you can check my recent tip-off article where I wrote about it: MTN Xtraspecial Prepaid Gives You The Best Data Plans.

The MTN Data4Me plans were great value while they lasted. I shall remember them with great fondness.

Mister Mobility
Author: Mister Mobility

Web Developer and Techie with a passion for storytelling. I have owned, used, and reviewed hundreds of mobile phones since 2001.

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James Akpavwe Osquare

Still searching for the giveaway since last year ooo, mtn people na wa oo….

Kingsley Ekenedirichukwu

I can not get the 40gb for the #5000 y?

Baby Face

Thanks for the update, I’m currently on the 4gb for 1,200 naira.
It’s really worth it

Elizabeth Ishaya

Nice one


Please is it shareable. I mean to share it with other mtn user
Please let me know, asap.


Yes it is. But the max you can share is 2gb daily


How can I renew my data bundle before it expires


You’re very stupid