Month: May 2012
BlackBerry PlayBook Web Browser review: Best in class
I am a huge fan of the web and the mobile web especially. I love capable mobile browsers that let me access and carry out the very things that I do on my desktop or laptop. When it comes to mobile browsing, very few devices are as good as tablets. Having used the Blackberry PlayBook…
Hands-on with Pliris Blaze+
Unboxing and hands-on with Pliris Blaze+, the made in Nigeria Android smartphone.
Review: Twhii, A 3rd party Twitter app for Java phones
What is it like using Twhii, a 3rd party Twitter app for Java phones? Mister Mobility finds out.
Unboxing & hands-on: PlirisBlaze Means Business [Updated]
Right from the word Go, PlirisBlaze is a Nigerian mobile brand that makes out like it means business. A Nigerian smartphone brand? Does that surprise you? This is not the first time a Nigerian company is venturing into the making of smartphones. Anyone remember the Anabel smartphones? They were a range of Windows Mobile smartphones…