Globacom allows data subscribers to share their existing data plan with other Glo subscribers. Did you know you could check who is sharing your data on Glo? And even better, you can do that using any of these different channels – SMS, USSD code, and the Glo Web portal.

The unique thing about data sharing on Glo is that there are no limits imposed on the beneficiary numbers. They can use as much of the sponsor’s data bundle as much as they want. Sometimes, beneficiaries overdo things and you find that your data is being used up at an alarming rate. Of that happens, you might want to have a look at who is sharing your data on Glo, and perhaps remove them.

How to know who is sharing your data on Glo

Steps to find out who is sharing your data on Glo

There are a few ways to check who is sharing your data on Glo. The first is via the Glo High Speed Internet portal, the second via USSD, and the third via SMS.

Check who is sharing your data on Glo, using the High-Speed Internet Portal

Open the Web browser on your Glo Internet connection, and go to Note that you can only access that portal on a Glo Internet connection.

When the portal page opens, it will display your Glo line, your active data plan and usage statistics, as well as the list of Glo numbers currently sharing your active data plan. There is a button beside each number for deleting it and stop sharing data with it. Tap it and complete the process. Once done, you have stopped sharing data with that line.

Find out who is sharing your data on Glo, using USSD

On your phone line, dial *127*00# to see a pop-up displaying the list of all the numbers sharing you your Internet bundle. Note the number you would like to remove (if your memory isn’t superhuman, write it down). Then dial the USSD code 12702*[number]# to automatically remove the number.

Check who is sharing your data on Glo, by using SMS

Type the word “LIST” in your messages app and send it to 127. You will receive an SMS with the list of numbers on your Glo data share. Note the number you wa t to remove, and then send REMOVE [number] to 127 to stop sharing data with that number.

That’s it. You now know three ways to stop sharing your Glo data plan with other numbers. There is love in sharing, but sometimes, boundaries are necessary. So, share generously, knowing that you can always remove anyone that abuses your generosity.

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