I just read the rumour of how Apple might be announcing three (3) iPhones this year – iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and the iPhone 7 Pro. If this rumour is true, it should sound familiar to you. Yes; it sounds like Apple might be joining the bad gang. Let me help jog your memory a little with help from a few members of the bad gang.

One bad apple - the bad gang

XiaomiGionee and Samsung immediately come to mind with their extensive (and sometimes confusing) ranges of stepped models. This three-step rumour of the upcoming iPhone isn’t confusing in any way yet. We will have to wait for Apple to add an iPhone 7 Mini, iPhone 7 Max, iPhone 7, iPhone 7s, iPhone 7 Active, and iPhone 7 MediaTek (!!!) to the mix, before we can officially welcome them to the confusing category. That would be something.

Again, it has to be said: this multistep product model seems to work well for manufacturers and if the rumour is true, Apple is latching on as well. In which case, we would be able to say that Apple has joined the bad gang, finally.

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By Mister Mobility

Nigeria's foremost tech blogger and smartphone reviewer since 2003. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone.

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