Bank Verification Number (BVN) is a unique identification number issued to each individual Nigerian by the government through te banking system. Its purpose is to provide a unifying means of identifying and tracing all the bank accounts an individual owns, especially across different banks.

BVN is also popularly referred to as BVN number, which is tautology, of course. But these habits die hard. Anyway, each Nigerian bank account holder is given a BVN and all their bank accounts are tied to that one number. If you ever forget your details, there is a code to check BVN that you can dial on your assigned number to retrieve it. This article spells out you how to check your BVN on all mobile telecom operators – MTN, Glo, 9Mobile, And Airtel.

how to check your bvn phone number: Code To Check BVN

Code To Check BVN on MTN, Glo, 9Mobile, and Airtel

If you want to check or retrieve your BVN, all you need is a mobile phone. It does not matter what network you use. Each BVN is attached to a phone number –  a number that you submitted when registering for your BVN. Simply dial *565*0# on your phone with that number or line in it and the system will display your BVN. It is a good idea to copy it out and keep in a secure place.

How can I check my BVN without phone number?

Some banks also have your BVN displayed in their mobile app or Internet banking platform when you login. So, you can also login to your bank app or Internet banking system to check/retrieve your BVN.

How to check your BVN phone number

It is possible that you have multiple mobile numbers and do not remember which one is attached/registered to your BVN. So, how do you check your BVN phone number? This is quite easy too.

Dial *565*0# from each of your mobile numbers till one of them displays your BVN. Whichever one displays your BVN is your registered BVN phone number. Again, it is a good idea to write it down and keep it in a secure place.

How can I check my BVN account details?

Sorry, but you can’t do this, because it is a restricted service. Only financial institutions (like banks, loan services, insurance companies, investment companies, etc) and security agencies have the authorization to use your BVN to check your account details. When an authorized institution uses your BVN to check your bank account details, they can see a list of all the bank accounts that you have, among other information.

How can I check my BVN by date of birth?

Unfortunately, you cannot. There is no way to check your BVN using your date of birth.

Can I have two BVN numbers?

This is not possible. Your BVN is a unique number for identifying you across all banks. As such, you can be assigned only one Bank Verification Number. If you find a way to do it, you will be committing a fraudulent act and will only get in trouble with the relevant authorities.

Can I be tracked with my BVN?

All your financial transactions through the Nigerian banking system can be tracked with your BVN. Financial and security institutions can use your Bank Verification Number to monitor all your financial activities. So, yes; you can be tracked with your BVN.

Can I block my BVN and open another one?

Unfortunately, you can not. Blocking your BVN and getting another one would be tantamount to wiping out your financial history and starting afresh, which defeats the purpose of the scheme. Your Bank Verification Number cannot be changed.

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