Infinix Smart HD 2021, an entry-level Android phone with decent specs, has been launched in India. Though the name bears 2021, it is hitting the market in December 2020, which technically makes it a device aimed at 2021. So, all is well with the name.
The Smart HD 2020 runs Android 10 (Go Edition) – that’s a version of Android that is optimised for low end hardware – has a 6.1-inch display with a waterdrop notch, and is powered by a Helio A20 chipset from Mediatek. There is 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.
At the back is the main camera with two lenses and a fingerprint reader. What else does it bring to the table? A massive 5000mAh battery and DTS audio are part of the package.
Is this a successor to Infinix Smart 2 HD which was launched in Pakistan in December 2018? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Infinix Smart HD 2021 is available in three colours – Topaz Blue, Obsidian Black, and Quartz Green. It will sell for INR5,999 in India from December 24, 2020 on the Flipkart website.
There is no official word about availability in other countries, but it is being expected to be sold in many of the countries and regions where Infinix has sales channels.
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