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This 4 Port USB Power Adapter is what the doctor ordered

We live in a world in which we carry multiple gadgets around. Many times, I have with me a smartphone, tablet, and mifi at the least. Maybe throw in a power bank or two as well. And then there’s only one wall power outlet to plug them all into. So, one has to play some sort of roulette charging them all. About two weeks ago, I stumbled on this handy gadget – a 4 Port USB Power Adapter that solved my gadget charging issues.

The adapter has four LED lights corresponding to each of the USB ports to indicate charging activity. Power output of the AC adapter is 5V 4A.

4 Port USB Power Adapter Gallery

Have a look at the adapter:

4 Port USB Power Adapter pins
4 Port USB Power Adapter ports 2
4 Port USB Power Adapter ports
4 Port USB Power Adapter rating
4 Port USB Power Adapter lit up

This set me back by N2,000 only, and it has been a very handy companion ever since. I get home or the office and just plug them all at once and relax. Good product; good thinking.

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