Download and Join Clubhouse App

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Clubhouse is an exclusive, invite-only mobile app where participants interact by audio only in virtual rooms where they discuss anything and everything under the sun. You will find conversations about medical science, nuclear physics, arts and crafts, architecture, law, and of course celebrities and entertainment. The keyword is anything.

Unlike the other social apps you are used to, inside Clubhouse, there is no way to input text or images or video. The experience is exclusively audio. You speak and listen. It is perfect for hot gist – like gist about a certain American lady who claims to have dated our own Aliko, the richest black man in Africa.

join/get clubhouse mobile app

How to Join ClubHouse

The first thing you must understand about Clubhouse is that it is currently available only to iPhones. There is no Android app for Clubhouse. There is no web interface to access it either. You either have an Apple iPhone or not. Talk about exclusivity and snobbery. It is what it is.

Seecondly, even if you have an iPhone, it caanot be anything older than an iPhone 6s. So, you can’t buy a cheap iPhone 5 or iPhone 6 and hop on Clubhose. Why?, you may ask. The reason is because the app requires iOS 13 or higher. The iPhone 6 series devices are not eligible for the iOS 13 update.

That means, no Clubhouse access for them and for any other iPhone models older than those. Without an iOS 13 compatible iPhone, you will be unable to download and install the Clubhouse app.

clubhouse app in Nigeria

You can imagine the kind of scrambling that is going on in nooks and corners of Nigeria right now as people make moves to buy iPhone 6s and newer models – mostly from the black/second-hand market. We suspect that Clubhouse alone will be responsible for an increase in the iPhone’s market share in Nigeria.

Thirdly, to Join the Clubhouse app, you need an invite code. Someone who is already in has to invite you or else you don’t get in. Yes; sometimes, in this world, you need to know someone, or know someone who knows someone in order to have some doors opened to you. Is it fair? We shall leave that discussion to philosophers.

When you do get an invite from a friend and join though, as a new member, you are entitled to one invite, and soon after, you get allocated three more. Membership has benefits. That means you can get your friends in too.

But by now, you get the picture of how exclusive Clubhouse really is. It is not just limited to iPhones, it has to be an iPhone not older than certain models, and then you need an invite to get into the app.

How to get an invite? Ask around. Ask on social media. Someone in your circles is bound to have an invite they can send to you.

How does Clubhouse app work?

Once you are in, you can set your profile and then enter into different rooms, depending on your preferences, to listen or to participate in a discussion or conversation. You will be able to see everyone present in the room, same way everyone else is able to see you.

Rooms are created by participants and the creator of each room sets the privileges for it. For example, they are able to determine who has access to speak. So, you may enter a room and be able to listen in only because the room’s creator has restricted speaking access.

Of course, you can always create a room, pull your own crowd, and take the podium.


Download Clubhouse app

If you have your invite already, you can download the Clubhouse mobile app using the provided link below.

Download the app HERE from the Apple App Store.

Remember that the app will not download if you do not have an iOS 13 supported iPhone, so check your iPhone model upfront.


Author: InfoDesk

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