Is anyone else tired of the endless rumours about an upcoming foldable iPhone that has refused to come (no, not that kind of come; get your head out of the gutter).
We have been inundated with rumours of the foldable iPhone for years now and it is still nowhere in sight. Older rumours said it would arrive sometime in 2025. Well, this latest rumour puts the estimated date of arrival at sometime in 2026. Yes, a year later. Tiring; right?
To make matters worse, reports say that there is also a chance that it might be delayed till 2027, if the current development efforts do not match up to Apple’s quality standards. Yes, so we just might not see this elusive foldable iPhone till 2027, or God forbid, 2028.
Anyway, it is no surprise that the grapevine also says that it will be a foldable flip device – like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 or TECNO Phantom V Flip – not a large, book style foldable device like the Galaxy Fold6.
You came expect it to be sleek and slim when it arrives. And, yes; it will cost an arm and a leg.
Are you looking to buy the first foldable iPhone when it hits the market in about two years’ time?
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