If you are looking to travel from Ibadan to Lagos by train, here are the ticket prices, stations, schedule and other useful information.
Ibadan Station (departure): Chief Obafemi Awolowo Railway Station, Moniya, Ibadan, Oyo State. The map is embedded below. To use it in Google Maps, Uber, or Bolt, click here.
Lagos Station (arrival): Mobolaji Johnson Railway Station, 302 Murtala Muhammed Way, Alagomeji, Yaba, Lagos.

Ibadan to Lagos train ticket prices:
- First Class (24-seater coach): N6,000
- Business Class (56-seater coach): N5,600
- Business Class (68-seater coach): N3,500
- Economy Class (88-seater coach): N2,500
Departure and Arrival Times
Monday to Friday: Departure from Ibadan at 8.00am and 4.00pm
Saturdays: Departure from Ibadan at 8.30am and 6.00pm
At this time, there are no scheduled rides for Sundays.
Preparing for your Ibadan to Lagos train trip
It is advised that you arrive at the station an hour before departure time, to book your ticket. At this time, there is no online booking system available.
The coaches are fully air-conditioned. The train passes through and makes a stop at Abeokuta in Ogun State, so make allowance for that.
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